Programmer, developer, Designer
I am a Python Developer who is mostly inclined towards Machine Learning. Worked on server-side code using Django & Flask.
Along with Python, worked earlier in JavaScript, Java, C. Worked with JS frameworks like ReactJS. Worked on Regression, Classification and Generative model usings Tensorflow 2.0, Keras, Tensorflow-Core.
Adobe XD, Figma
Generative Adversarial Network using Tensorflow and PyTorch
Django, Flask. MongoDB, Postgresql. ReactJS. HTML, CSS, Vanilla Javascript.
OpenCV , Image Segmentation, Super-Resolution, Object Detection
Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Numpy.
Recurrent Neural Networks. LSTM(Vanilla, Bidirectional), NLTK, Gensim
Different Merge Stragegies while merging different branches in GIT.
Create CSS dynamically at runtime using JQuery.
Deploy your flask app on Heroku.